Helping Chefs Rid Their Menus of Toxic Ingredients

BIB Sodas with Sugar, 86 the High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Finding bag-in-the-box (BIB) soda syrups that use sugar (like cane sugar) instead of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) can be tricky, as HFCS dominates the commercial soda fountain market due to its cost-effectiveness and stability. HFCS is much cheaper, as it comes from the most ubiquitous crop in America. When

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Is Non Seed Oil Mayonnaise Possible?

Mayonnaise is a major ingredient in most any cuisine. Tartar Sauce, Ranch, Caesar Dressing, and many more recipes call for a good mayonnaise. However, all the major brands have long gone to seed oils like soybean as a base. Even my old favorite, Duke’s Mayonnaise, starts with soybean oil, then

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